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Thoughts, news and comments concerning the art and craft of Connick Stained glass, published periodically by... |
The Charles J. Connick Stained Glass Foundation, Ltd., Orin E. Skinner, Founder | February, 2000 |
Directors and Officers: Theresa D.Cederholm
Jonathan L.Fairbanks Elizabeth B. Johnson
Robert G.Windsor Marilyn B. Justice, President
This is the first of a two-part article written by Joan Gaul. The second part will appear in the June, 2000 Newsletter. Charles J. Connick left sparkling windows all over the
United States and tantalizing bits of himself in his writings. In
the papers he chose to leave, however, Connick, a rambling writer with
broad interests and many friends, did not suffer from specificity.
This is a compressed effort to fill in some of the dates and spaces in
the artist's first 35 years, not as an artistic critique but as an attempt
to find out where the man came from, and who he was.
Charles J. Connick was born ninety miles north of Pittsburgh
in Springboro, Pennsylvania. Viewed in late 1999 Springboro was a
quiet hamlet at a crossroads on Route 18, but in 1875, when Connick was
born to George H. and Mina Marilla Trainer Connick, Springboro was a prosperous
stock, dairy farming, and transportation center. Until 1870 it had
been a stop on the Erie-Pittsburgh Canal, and it continued as a stop on
a major north-south rail route. Tanning, blacksmithing, carriage
and sleigh manufacturing, and cheese production thrived. This prosperity
seemed rarely to have hit George and Mina Connick's family.
Charles was the third of their six known children.
Grace was the oldest. Clarence, a year older than Charles, died at
20 months. Jessie and Bertha June, born in 1878 and 1880, died in
their teens in Pittsburgh. A baby brother born in Pittsburgh is mentioned
in passing. This depressing necrology could reflect either poor family
health - Connick often refers to his "sick father" - or to the perilous
times in which they lived. Though born in the country, the children
lived in an industrial area, played in the tannery creek, and seem to have
been perpetually impoverished. Their years in Pittsburgh, starting
when Charlie was eight, were spent in noise, smoke, and the ever present
possibility of disease.
Little concrete is known of Mina Connick except that Charles
honored and protected her all her life. He writes of her as loving,
industrious, creative, and complete in her belief in her son. In
1933, he installed a window in her honor in their Springboro church.
George Connick, on the other hand, leaves a trail of dates
but a mysterious story. Born in Rochester, New York in 185 1, he
came to western Pennsylvania when his family settled near Springboro.
Charles's paternal grandfather was a respected blacksmith and, when he
retired from that, a store keeper. The 1870 census lists 19-year-old
George as a telegraph operator, a good job for a bright young man.
By the 1880 census, George is married to Mina, has four living children,
and lists no occupation. Charles recalls their living in a series
of small, rented houses. He wrote that as a little boy the kindness
of neighbors and relatives often fed them.
By the later 1880s George had connected with the Powell
Brothers who owned Shadeland, an almost legendary stock farm, described
in Springboro's Bicentennial history as the "grandest establishment for
the breeding of livestock on the continent." George handled their advertising,
and little Charles had a wonderful time, charming, as he often seemed to,
all on hand. Shadeland's glorious job opportunities were apparently
part-time or short-term because in 1883 when George was offered full time
work in Pittsburgh with the National Farmer and Stockman, he packed up
the family and moved south.
1892 was a bad year, sister Jessie died, possibly in one
of Pittsburgh's typhoid epidemics; and 1893 was worse. There was
a major national Depression. George's business failed completely.
Three months into high school, Charles had to quit to take a full time
job. After 1893, although George is listed on and off as a clerk,
Charles, with the help of his mother - who wrote verse for his trolley
car cards, and his sister Grace, a stenographer, seem to have been the
main support of the family.
Charles was eight years old when the Connicks came to
Pittsburgh. He wrote vividly of his memories of the house on Broad
Street, with its shabby bed-living room and the constant roar of escaping
and burning gas from a nearby natural gas vent. He also wrote of
the constant kindness and care of the good hearted folks at Emory Methodist
Church, who watched out for his physical well-being, and introduced a world
of values, and language, and stories. Where better to absorb early
the images that were to appear later in church windows all across the United
States? Connick wrote particularly of a Sunday School teacher, Professor
Frank Gage, a teacher of German at Shadyside Academy, who first introduced
him to poetry and music.
Continued on the OVERLEAF. Oh dear, Oh dear what shall I do
They've lots of other kinds to sell.
Throughout his father's checkered career in Pittsburgh, Charles
had been doing part time work, for him and for others. His life as
the foil for bullies at Liberty School had ended when he became respected
as the school's artist. He sold cartoons to the Dispatch and the
Post while in grade school, and, when he had to quit high school, he turned
again to newspapers. Before photography, newspaper illustration kept
many American artists alive. Charles became a chalk plate engraver
at the Pittsburgh Press. His illustrations of the time could be seen
as predictive of his later use of leading in stained glass.
Less than a year after he started at the Press, when it
looked as though his newspaper career was going nowhere, Connick was assigned
to cover the July 28, 1894 athletic meet in Pittsburgh's East End.
The meet ran late that day, until 7 p.m. On his way home he met Horace
Rudy. So begins Adventures in Light and Color, and so began Charles
Connick's adventures in stained glass.
Joan Gaul was introduced to Charles Connick's windows
when she wrote the book Heinz Memorial Chapel for the University of Pittsburgh.
Her interest in American stained glass and its artists grew as she learned
and wrote about Horace Rudy and the Rudy Brothers for Stained Glass magazine.
She further works with stained glass as a consultant and tour leader for
Pittsburgh History and Landmarks Foundation. Mrs. Gaul holds a bachelor's
degree from Cornell University and a master's from Duquesne University. |
Collection in the Fine Arts Department of the Boston Public Library, and Connick news around the country. |
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37 Walden St. Newtonville, MA 02460
Telephone: 617/244-2659 |
Copyright 2000, The Charles J. Connick Stained Glass Foundation, Ltd. |